Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kinda' hot in these rhinos!

I've always liked the way rhinos looked, and my buddy Kory Hubbell's awesome sketches inspired me to take a crack at sketching one. You can find his work at We're thinking of doing an art book together. Anyway, I wanted to exaggerate my rhino but maintain a level of realism. I plan on revisiting this drawing and have no doubts that it'll lead to a finished design/illustration.


  1. Ha, thanks for the link, man. Our art book will be amazing... when I get some better art done.

  2. Ha ha. Too funny. What are the odds. What is your wife like Kory. Do you have dogs? lol. This is other Kory's wife by the way. :)

  3. Wahoah, what are the odds of there being another mad-artist Kory Hubbell? This is fantastic.

  4. Thanks for the 'blog love' guys. I appreciate you stopping by.
